Developing Applications With SugarCE

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Developing Applications With SugarCE

Developing Applications With SugarCE

Table of Contents

1 Install and Configure the WebServer

This section describes how to install a web server for the SugarCRM application.

1.1 Installing the Server

I installed Ubuntu 9.04 Server as a web server. The root (/) was mounted on a LVM partition. However /boot was mounted on a real ext2 partition, because grub cannot be installed on a LVM partition. I installed only LAMP Server packages and OpenSSH Server packages. The first one contains Apache, MySQL and PHP, which are required for the web application to work, and the second contains the sshd daemon, which is needed to access the server remotely.

1.2 Working With LVM

I decided to use LVM because it is more flexible. If the application needs more space in the future, it can be allocated easily without repartitioning etc. I have noted down some of the commands that are used frequently to manage physical volumes, volume groups and logical volumes.

1.2.1 Physical Volumes

# pvcreate /dev/sda3

# pvscan
 PV /dev/sda10   VG vg1   lvm2 [55.41 GB / 36.78 GB free]
 PV /dev/sda3    VG vg1   lvm2 [29.29 GB / 9.29 GB free]
 Total: 2 [84.70 GB] / in use: 2 [84.70 GB] / in no VG: 0 [0   ]

# pvdisplay
  --- Physical volume ---
  PV Name               /dev/sda10
  VG Name               vg1
  PV Size               55.41 GB / not usable 1.34 MB
  Allocatable           yes
  PE Size (KByte)       4096
  Total PE              14184
  Free PE               9416
  Allocated PE          4768
  PV UUID               gsMdEa-XNZn-Du09-2XXK-W0W0-FgM2-6W80FA

  --- Physical volume ---
  PV Name               /dev/sda3
  VG Name               vg1
  PV Size               29.29 GB / not usable 376.00 KB
  Allocatable           yes
  PE Size (KByte)       4096
  Total PE              7499
  Free PE               2379
  Allocated PE          5120
  PV UUID               TdjYoh-OofJ-OI5j-uLAR-e2tP-bHJn-gVbAqU

1.2.2 Volume Groups

# vgextend /dev/sda3

# vgdisplay
 --- Volume group ---
  VG Name               vg1
  System ID
  Format                lvm2
  Metadata Areas        2
  Metadata Sequence No  4
  VG Access             read/write
  VG Status             resizable
  MAX LV                0
  Cur LV                2
  Open LV               2
  Max PV                0
  Cur PV                2
  Act PV                2
  VG Size               84.70 GB
  PE Size               4.00 MB
  Total PE              21683
  Alloc PE / Size       9888 / 38.62 GB
  Free  PE / Size       11795 / 46.07 GB
  VG UUID               LfZv2Z-Ovo2-7Fl3-lcdx-2G1l-QX5Q-DUY9yi

1.2.3 Logical Volumes

# lvcreate -L 20G -n data vg1 /dev/sda3
# mkfs.ext3 /dev/vg1/data
# mkdir /data
# mount /dev/vg1/data /data

# lvdisplay
 --- Logical volume ---
 LV Name                /dev/vg1/lv1
 VG Name                vg1
 LV UUID                0N2Q0M-Xaxm-wTWa-1tbs-5QQq-oImV-sS1qcR
 LV Write Access        read/write
 LV Status              available
 # open                 1
 LV Size                18.62 GB
 Current LE             4768
 Segments               1
 Allocation             inherit
 Read ahead sectors     auto
 - currently set to     256
 Block device           252:0

 --- Logical volume ---
 LV Name                /dev/vg1/data
 VG Name                vg1
 LV UUID                lrwVsV-x7E0-4p0r-PBmH-7tLr-QdZf-QPquM5
 LV Write Access        read/write
 LV Status              available
 # open                 1
 LV Size                20.00 GB
 Current LE             5120
 Segments               1
 Allocation             inherit
 Read ahead sectors     auto
 - currently set to     256
  Block device           252:1

# lvextend

Also, add this line to /etc/fstab:

/dev/vg1/data   /data           ext3     defaults       0       0

1.3 Network Configuration

  • Edit the file /etc/network/interfaces:
    auto eth0
        iface eth0 inet static
  • Edit the file /etc/resolv.conf:
  • Reconfig the network:
    /etc/init.d/networking restart

1.4 Installing Additional Packages

Besides the basic installation and the packages LAMP and OpenSSH, there are some other packages that need to be installed. They can be installed like this:

aptitude update
aptitude upgrade
aptitude install subversion
aptitude install unzip
aptitude install phpmyadmin
aptitude install gawk

1.5 Keeping the Time Correct

For any server it is important to have the correct time. In the case of this server, the time should be correct because the application records automatically the time of creation/modification of a record. Usually the time is kept correct by synchronizing with NTP servers. I have done it like this:

  • Install NTP:
    aptitude install ntp
  • Edit /etc/ntp.conf:
  • Restart the ntp service:
    /etc/init.d/ntp restart


1.6 Enable Apache2 Module SSL

The protocol HTTPS is more secure because it encrypts the communication between the browser and the server. So I have decided to use SSL for accessing the application. I followed these steps to enable it:

  • Enable the Apache2 SSL module:
    a2enmod ssl
  • Enable the default ssl site:
    cd /etc/apache2
    ln -s ../sites-available/default-ssl sites-enabled/001-default-ssl
  • Restart apache2:
    /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

1.7 Redirect All HTTP(80) Traffic To HTTPS(443)

  • Enable module rewrite (mod_rewrite):
    a2enmod rewrite
  • Add the following to /etc/apache2/sites-available/default:
    RewriteEngine   on
    RewriteCond     %{SERVER_PORT} ^80$
    RewriteRule     ^(.*)$ https://%{SERVER_NAME}$1 [L,R]
    RewriteLog      "/var/log/apache2/rewrite.log"
    RewriteLogLevel 2
  • Reload apache2 configuration:
    /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload

1.8 Installing SugarCRM

In order to install the application successfully, first of all we should be able to install SugarCRM successfully (since the application is based on SugarCRM).

It may require some things to be fixed on the server. One of these is the PHP configuration. Edit /etc/php5/apach2/php.ini and modify these settings:

; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
max_execution_time = 6000
; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data
max_input_time = 600

; Maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept.
post_max_size = 24M

; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 32M

Then restart apache:

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

2 Install and Configure Subversion

  • Install subversion:
    aptitude install subversion
    aptitude install libapache2-svn
    /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
  • Edit /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl and add these lines at the end of the section :
    <Location "/svn">
        DAV svn
        SVNParentPath /data/svn
        SVNListParentPath on
        # our access control policy
        AuthzSVNAccessFile /data/svn_access/svn_access.conf
        # try anonymous access first, resort to real
        # authentication if necessary.
        Satisfy Any
        Require valid-user
        # how to authenticate a user
        AuthType Basic
        AuthName "Subversion repository"
        AuthUserFile /data/svn_access/users
        # don't check all the paths
        SVNPathAuthz off
  • Create an authentication file:
    htpasswd -cm /data/svn_access/users dasho
    htpasswd -m /data/svn_access/users test
    htpasswd -m /data/svn_access/users test1
  • Edit /data/svn_access/svn_access.conf and add these lines:
    * = r
    dasho = rw
  • Restart apache: /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

3 The Development Process

3.1 Problems with developing on SugarCRM

SugarCRM is a big and complex software and keeping track of an application that is based on it is a bit difficult and tricky. Some of the problems are these:

  • When a new release of the SugarCRM comes out, it is difficult to upgrade the application to it. If the new release is installed, it is going to overwrite some of the existing files, so it may erase anything from the custom modules or any change to the core code. Changes to the core code sometimes are unavoidable because not all the customizations can be done in an upgrade-safe manner. Also, sometimes you run into a bug that you need to fix, but you cannot wait for the next Sugar release.
  • SugarCRM has GUI development tools, like Studio and Module Builder, however they generate a lot of files automatically by overwriting existing files and directories and by deleting and replacing .svn directories. This creates problems with keeping the application under version control (subversion).
  • Studio is a nice GUI tool, but the code that it generates is not very clean. Sometimes it makes changes only in the database, without reflecting these changes on the code, and this doesn't work well with version control.
  • Suppose that a package is developed in Module Builder and then it is deployed. Then some modifications are done on the new modules, either manually or through Studio. If we now go back to the Module Builder and make some modifications or add any new modules, and then deploy the package again, it is going to erase the modifications that we did through Studio. This means that either we should make all the modifications/customizations on the Module Builder (which is not possible yet), or once we deploy a package we should not go back to the module builder again. This implies a "big design up front" or "waterfall" development process. However, an iterative development process is more suitable most of the times.

3.2 Keeping the application under subversion control

In order to handle the problems that arise during the development of a SugarCRM application, I have used a rather complicated subversion structure, which was inspired by the work of Sander Marechal on his articles:

The structure of the subversion repository is like this:

  +-- app
  |     |
  |     +-- trunk
  |     |
  |     +-- branches
  |     |
  |     +-- tags
  +-- vendor
  |     |
  |     +-- v520h
  |     |
  |     +-- v520i
  |     |
  |     +-- v520j
  +-- patched
  |     |
  |     +-- p520h
  |     |
  |     +-- p520i
  |     |
  |     +-- p520j
  +-- app_package
        +-- scripts
        +-- vendor
        |     |
        |     +-- milestone1
        |     |
        |     +-- milestone2
        +-- patched
              +-- milestone1
              +-- milestone2

3.3 Explaining the structure of the subversion repository

3.3.1 The main idea

The main idea is to build an application by installing first SugarCRM, and on top of it installing a custom SugarCRM package. The original SugarCRM code (that comes from the vendor) should be left untouched; all the customizations and modifications should be included in the package.

3.3.2 Keeping SugarCRM under subversion control

However, the original code of SugarCRM has to be patched (modified), for the following reasons:

  • Not all the customizations can be done in an "upgrade safe" manner (a term used in the SugarCRM vocabulary), so they have to be done by modifying the base code.
  • Sometimes we have to fix a bug, without waiting for the next release that fixes it.

Installing external (third party) packages/plugins sometimes modifies the base code as well. It is not guaranteed that the external packages are upgrade-safe. So, it is better to consider and handle them as patches (or modifications) of the original SugarCRM code.

When the next release of SugarCRM comes out from the vendor we want to make sure that we can upgrade to it without loosing our customizations (patches). So, in order to be able to make the upgrade easily, we have different directories for the vendor and for the patched versions of SugarCRM. The directory vendor contains all the sugar releases, unmodified. The directory patched keeps the patched versions for each corresponding vendor release. The directory app/trunk contains our application, which is the latest patched version of SugarCRM, on which is installed our custom package.

3.3.3 The custom package

The custom package is a SugarCRM package built with the Module Builder. If we could do everything on the Module Builder it would be perfect. However, there are a lot of things that can be done only by modifying the code of the package manually. There are also some small modifications that can be done only after the package is installed, because we cannot figure them out before.

Once the code of the package is modified manually, then it is not safe anymore to use the Module Builder GUI, because it may override unintentionally our modifications. So, once we start modifying the package manually, we should not go back to the Module Builder again. This implies a "big design up front", which means that we first do the full analysis and design of the application, then we build as much as possible in the Module Builder GUI, then install the package on SugarCRM, and never go back again to the Module Builder.

In order to keep track of the modifications that we make manually, we keep the source code of the package under subversion control. Indeed, a SugarCRM package is just a '.zip' file, so to modify the package we can unzip it, modify its php files and zip it again. The directory app\_package/trunk contains the source code of our package (the unzipped package). If something needs to be corrected, we modify manually the source code of the package, rebuild the package manually (from the command line), and reinstall the package on SugarCRM.

It would be good if we could avoid building and reinstalling the package each time that we make any small modification, because it is a bit tedious (for example the package can be reinstalled only from the GUI of the SugarCRM). It can be avoided by first making the changes on a working copy of the application, and after testing that they work well, applying them on the package code as well. So, the package doesn't need to be built and reinstalled for each small modification, in order to test them, because they have been already tested. It seems like double work to make the changes first on the working copy, and then apply them again on the package, however for small modifications it is OK.

3.3.4 Using a more iterative development process

The "big design up front" approach is the best way to build an application on SugarCRM (due to the limitations of the Module Builder that I described above). This corresponds to the "waterfall" process model (you do first the full analysis and design, then you move to implementation, testing, etc. and never go back to fix anything on analysis and design). The "iterative" model, in my opinion is better, because not always you can get right the analysis and design from the first time.

In my case, after analysis, it turned out that I had to build a long list of new modules. It was a huge task to do all the implementation at once (actually I also had some time restrictions), so I decided to do it in several steps (or milestones). So, I divided the list of the new modules into several groups, where the modules of each group are somehow related to each-other. Then I planned several milestones for the implementation of the project: milestone1 would implement the first group of modules, milestone2 the second group, and so on.

For the implementation, I made a "big design for the milestone1" in Module Builder, creating the new modules, relationships, fields, etc.; in short as much as possible. Then I published and installed the new package into the working copy of SugarCRM. I continued testing and refining the modules until everything worked fine and until milestone1 could be called finished.

After I am done with milestone1, I go back to the Module Builder and build the modules of the milestone2: creating them, creating the relations between them, adding new fields, and trying to do as much as possible. Then I publish the package again and try to merge this new package with the package that I have already imported into the subversion. This step can be a bit difficult, because I have already made manual modifications on the code of the milestone1 package, which may be overwritten by the milestone2 version of the package. To facilitate the merge, I try to be careful in the Module Builder so that I don't touch at all the modules that were built during the milestone1, or at least to modify them as little as possible (just any relationship, if necessary, and nothing else). After that, I don't go back to the Module Builder again, until the milestone2 is finished and working correctly and the time comes to start with milestone3.

The tag app_package/vendor/milestone1 of the subversion repository contains the original, unmodified source code of the milestone1 package, exactly as it was published from the Module Builder. The branch app_package/patched/milestone1 contains also the modifications and corrections that I have done to it. The tag app_package/vendor/milestone2 contains the original code that was generated by the Module Builder during the second milestone, and the branch app_package/patched/milestone2 contains the corrections and modifications of it. The directory app_package/scripts/ contains some scripts that are used to automate and facilitate the handling of packages.

Splitting the development into several milestones makes it more iterative.

Another approach (as pointed out by Sander Marechal) is to develop a separate package for each milestone and then install them in order. This avoids having to merge the code generated by Module Builder with the code that we have modified. I think that this approach is easier. However, having a singe package seems to me a bit cleaner. Choosing which approach to use depends on what you want to do and how you plan to do it.

3.4 The development workflow

From the structure of the subversion repository and from what was discussed on the previous sections you can guess easily the development workflow. However let us discuss it more explicitly on this section.

3.4.1 Installing the initial version of SugarCRM

Let's assume that the latest release of SugarCRM at the time that we start the development is 5.2.0h . Initially we will install a full version of it. Then we are going to install any customizations, apply any patches, etc.

  1. Download .
  2. Install it on the subdirectory v520h/ of the document_root (which is /var/www/ on ubuntu). The name of the database should be v520h, (the same as the name of the subdirectory). Let's say that the name of the database user is sugaruser.
  3. Import this subdirectory to the subversion directory vendor/v520h/.
  4. Make a copy of vendor/v520h/ to patched/p520h/ .
  5. Checkout patched/p520h/ to the directory /var/www/p520h and give to apache write access on it.
  6. Copy the database v520h to p520h and give full access to sugaruser on it.
  7. Make any possible modifications/customizations, apply any patches, etc.
  8. Install also any third party modules, plug-ins, etc.
  9. When the application is ready to be used, make a copy of patched/p520h/ to app/trunk/.
  10. Then check it out to the directory /var/www/app/.
  11. Make also a copy of the database p520h to app and give access to the DB user sugaruser on it.

By convention, the name of the web directory is the same as the name of the subversion directory. The name of the corresponding database is the same as well. In all the cases the database user and password are the same and we only grant access to it on the new database. Note that for the vendor branches, the name of the directory (the name of the database, etc.) starts with v, and for the patched branches it starts with p. These conventions help to facilitate the development and to avoid confusion, mistakes, etc.

3.4.2 Installing the initial version of the custom package

Initially we create a new package on the Module Builder GUI, then create all the modules that are planned for the first milestone, create all the relationships between them, create all the fields of the modules, define the layouts, etc. In general, do as much as possible. Then publish the package and import its source code on subversion. Make also any necessary manual modifications to it and then zip the source code again and install the package on the application.

The steps are like this:

  1. Check out on the directory mb_p520h the latest revision of patched/p520h/ from subversion. The prefix mb_ is appended in order to remind us that this is the copy used for the Module Builder.
  2. Copy the database p520h to mb_p520h and grant access to sugaruser on it.
  3. On the Module Builder, create a new package for the application and build it.
    1. Create a new package.
    2. Create the modules.
    3. Create the relationships between the modules.
    4. Create the fields of the modules.
    5. Define the layouts, etc.
  4. Optionally, deploy and check the package:
    1. Click the button Deploy on the Module Builder and deploy the package.
    2. Check how the application looks like.
    3. Go back to the Module Builder and refine the module fields, layouts, etc.
    4. Deploy the package again.
    5. Repeat these refine-redeploy steps as many times as necessary.
  5. Publish the package.
  6. Import the source code of the package on app_package/vendor/milestone1.
  7. Make a copy of app_package/vendor/milestone1 to app_package/patched/milestone1.
  8. Checkout a copy of patched/p520h/ to /var/www/app_test. Make also a copy of the database p520h to app_test and give access to sugaruser on it.
  9. Build the patched milestone1 package and install it on app_test.
  10. Check the application, refine the package by modifying its source code manually, rebuild the package and reinstall it.
  11. Repeat the previous step until the package is working as expected.
  12. Install the package on app.

3.4.3 Upgrading the custom package to a new version

When the time comes to start working for another milestone, we go back to the Module Builder again and start modifying the package. We add new modules, set the relationships between them, add their fields, and define their layouts. In general, we try not to touch what we have built previously (unless it is necessary), since it may create problems when we try to apply to the new version of the package the changes of the previous one.

  1. If we have already removed the directory mb_p520h, check it out again from the latest revision of patched/p520h/. Copy also the database p520h to mb_p520h and grant access to sugaruser on it.
  2. If the code of the module builder was not stored on subversion, use the Module Loader to import the .zip package that was exported previously. Now the previous version of the package should be on the Module Builder and we can work on it.
  3. Create new modules, set relationships between the new modules, add their fields, define their layouts, etc. Try not to touch the modules that were build previously.
  4. Deploy the package time after time, to check how it looks like and how it works.
  5. Publish the package again. Unzip it and import the source code of the package on app_package/vendor/milestone2.
  6. Copy app_package/vendor/milestone2 to app_package/patched/milestone2.
  7. Find the differences between app_package/patched/milestone1 and app_package/vendor/milestone1. This is the set of modifications that we have done manually on the package code. We don't want to loose them, so we apply them on app_package/patched/milestone2.
  8. Build the patched milestone2 package and install it on app_test.
  9. Check the application, refine the package by modifying its source code manually, rebuild the package and reinstall it.
  10. Repeat the previous step until the package is working as expected.
  11. Install the package on app.

3.4.4 Upgrading SugarCRM to a new version

Time after time, SugarCRM will release a new version and we would like to upgrade our application to it. Lets say that SugarCE-5.2.0i is released. Then we can upgrade to it like this:

  1. Copy vendor/v520h to vendor/v520i. Copy the database v520h to v520i as well and grant access to sugaruser on it.
  2. Apply the upgrade patch on vendor/v520i.
  3. Copy patched/p520h to patched/p520i. Copy the database p520h to p520i as well and grant access to sugaruser on it.
  4. Apply the upgrade patch on patched/p520i.
  5. Most probably, some of the modifications are erased by the upgrade patch. So we should find the difference between patched/p520h and vendor/v520h, and apply it on patched/p520i. Maybe some things will need to be resolved.
  6. Apply the upgrade patch on app/trunk.
  7. Find the changeset of step 5 on patched/p520i and apply it on app/trunk.

3.5 Referencies

4 Initial SugarCE Installation

4.1 Create a new subversion repository

  • Create a new subvesion repository named sugarcrm:
    svnadmin create /data/svn/sugarcrm
  • Since it is going to be accessed through apache, apache must have all the access rights on it:
    chown www-data:www-data -R /data/svn/sugarcrm/
  • Create the initial directory structure:
    mkdir -p temp/vendor/v520h temp/patched temp/app
    mkdir -p temp/app_package/vendor/milestone1
  • Import the initial directory structure into the repository:
    svn import temp -m "Creating repository layout."
    Adding         temp/app
    Adding         temp/app_package
    Adding         temp/app_package/vendor
    Adding         temp/app_package/vendor/milestone1
    Adding         temp/patched
    Adding         temp/vendor
    Adding         temp/vendor/v520h
  • Clean the temporary directory:
    rm -rf temp/

4.2 Install the Initial SugarCE Release

  • Checkout from svn the vendor version 5.2.0h :
    cd /var/www/
    svn checkout .
  • It is just an empty directory, so we should fill it with the files of the release 5.2.0h:
    mv SugarCE-Full-5.2.0h/* v520h/
    mv SugarCE-Full-5.2.0h/.htaccess v520h/
    rmdir SugarCE-Full-5.2.0h/
  • In order to install it, apache must have write permissions to some files and directories. To make it easy, lets give it write permissions to the whole directory:
    chgrp -R www-data v520h/
    chmod -R g+w v520h/
  • Create a new database and a new db_user for the application:
    mysqladmin create v520h -u root -p
    echo "create user 'sugaruser'@'localhost' identified by 'sugarpass';" | mysql -u root -p
    echo "grant usage on *.* to 'sugaruser'@'localhost' identified by 'sugarpass'" | mysql -u root -p
    echo "grant all privileges on v520h.* to 'sugaruser'@'localhost' with grant option;" | mysql -u root -p
  • Start the installation by opening in browser. Use v520h for the name of the database, and use sugaruser as existing database user.

4.3 Import the application into the subversion repository

  • Tell svn to ignore the log files:
    svn propset svn:ignore "install.log
      sugarcrm.log" .

    Note: To make it multiline you should press Ctrl+Return, not just Return!

  • Add the cache directories to svn:
    cd v520h/
    mkdir cache/blowfish cache/diagnostic cache/dashlets
    svn add --depth=empty cache
    cd cache
    svn add --depth=empty blowfish csv dashlets diagnostic feeds    \
    		      generated_forms images import jsLanguage  \
    		      layout modules pdf smarty upload xml
    svn add csv/index.html feeds/index.html images/index.html   \
    	import/index.html layout/index.html pdf/index.html  \
    	upload/index.html xml/index.html

    Note: If you want to learn more about the content of the cache/ directory, check this article: The SugarCRM cache directory demystified

  • Ignore the rest of the cache content:
    svn propset svn:ignore '*' blowfish csv dashlets diagnostic feeds \
    	generated_forms images import jsLanguage layout modules   \
    	pdf smarty upload xml
    cd ..
  • Add anything else:
    svn add --force *
    svn add .htaccess
  • Commit:
    svn commit -m 'Importing the vendor release v520h.'

4.4 Create the patched branch and customize it

4.4.1 Copy and check out the patched branch

  • Copy the vendor branch to the patched branch:
    svn copy   \  \
    	 -m "Copying v520h vendor branch to the p520h patched branch."
  • Check out the patched branch and set permissions so that it can be written by apache:
    svn checkout
    cd p520h/
    chgrp -R www-data .
    chmod g+w .

4.4.2 Modify the patched branch

  • Modify config.php like this:
    'db_name' => basename(dirname(__FILE__)),
    'site_url' => ''.basename(dirname(__FILE__)),

So, the name of the database will be the same as the name of the directory of the application.

4.4.3 Create some DB scripts

  • Create the file db/ which can be used to make a backup of the database:
    ### dump the database
    ### get the DB name
    if [ "$1" != "" ]
      cd $(dirname $0)
      db_name=$(basename $(dirname $(pwd)))
    ### make a full dump of the database
    mysqldump --user=root --extended-insert=false --comments=false \
    	  --single-transaction --password \
    	  $db_name > ${db_name}.sql
    ### dump only the structure (tables) of the database
    mysqldump --user=root --no-data --compact --password \
    	  $db_name > structure.sql
    ### fix a little bit the dump files
    sed -e '/^SET /d' -i ${db_name}.sql
    sed -e '/^SET /d' -i structure.sql
  • Create the file db/ with this content:
    ### restore the database
    ### check the parameters
    if [ $# -ne 2 ]
      echo "Usage: $0 db_name dump_file.sql"
      exit 1
    ### get the DB name and the dump file
    ### restore the database
    read -p "The root password:"  passw
    mysqladmin -p"$passw" drop $db_name
    mysqladmin -p"$passw" create $db_name
    mysql -p"$passw" -D $db_name < $sql_file

4.4.4 Create the database of pached branch

  • Create the database p520h and copy the database v520h to p520h:
    mysqladmin create p520h -u root -p
    db/ v520h
    db/ p520h v520h.sql
    rm v520h.sql
  • Give access to user sugaruser on the new database p520h:
    echo "grant all privileges on p520h.* to 'sugaruser'@'localhost' with grant option;" | mysql -u root -p

4.4.5 Synchronize with the svn repository

  • Get the database structure:
    rm db/p520h.sql
  • Add the directory db/ to the svn:
    svn add db/
    Adding         db/
    Adding         db/
    Adding         db/structure.sql
  • Commit:
    svn commit -m 'Adding database scripts and structure.'

4.5 Customize SugarCRM

On Admin-->System Settings-->Advanced check Developer Mode.

4.6 Install plugins and patches

4.6.1 Install Enhanced Studio

4.6.2 Install ZuckerReports

  • Install Java Runtime Engine:
    aptitude install sun-java6-jre
  • Edit /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini, and:
    1. change post_max_size to 64M
    2. change upload_max_filesize to 64M
    3. restart apache: /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
  • Upload and install
  • Edit modules/ZuckerReports/config.php and uncomment the java_cmdline:
    //Unix Environment Default
    "java_cmdline" => "java -Djava.awt.headless=true %ARGS% 2>&1",

4.7 Copy the patched version to the trunk

svn copy \   \
	 -m "Copy patched version p520h to the trunk."
chgrp www-data -R app
chmod g+w -R app

mysqladmin create app -p
mysql -p -D app < p520j/db/p520j.sql
echo 'grant all privileges on app.* to sugaruser@localhost with grant option;' | mysql -p

5 Create and Manage a Custom Package

Initially we get a working copy of the latest patched version of SugarCE. Then we create a new package on the Module Builder GUI. Then we create in this package all the modules that are planned for the first milestone, create all the relationships between them, all the fields of the modules, define the layouts, etc. In general, do as much as possible. Then publish the package and import its source code on subversion. Make also any necessary manual modifications to it and then zip the source code again and install the package on the application.

5.1 Get a working copy of the latest patched version of SugarCE

  • Check out patched/p520h to mb_p520h and give write permissions on it to apache (www-data):
    cd /var/www/
    svn checkout mb_p520h
    chgrp -R www-data mb_p520h/
    chmod -R g+w mb_p520h/
  • Notice that on the config file mb_p520h/config.php we have:
    'db_user_name' => 'sugaruser',
    'db_name' => basename(dirname(__FILE__)),

    So, the name of the database of the application is the same as the name of the directory where it is installed. The database username is allways sugaruser.

  • Copy the database p520h to mb_p520h and grant access on it to sugaruser:
    mysqladmin create mb_p520h -p
    mb_p520h/db/ p520h
    mysql -p -D mb_p520h < p520h.sql
    echo 'grant all privileges on mb_p520h.= to sugaruser@localhost with grant option;' | mysql -p
    rm p520h.sql

    So, initially we create a new database named mb_p520h, then we make a backup of the database p520h to the file p520h.sql, then we restore this backup to the database mb_p520h. We also grant permissions to the user sugaruser on the database mb_p520h.

5.2 Create a new package in Module Builder

On the Module Builder, create a new package for the application and build it:

  1. Create all the modules that are planned for the first milestone.
  2. Create all the relationships between the modules.
  3. Create all the fields of the modules.
  4. Define the layouts, etc.

In general, do as much as possible.

5.2.1 Fixing one-to-many relations

There is a problem (bug) with one-to-many relations, because the corresponding field is not shown properly on the layout display. This can be fixed easily by appending a label in the file custom/modulebuilder/packages/PackageName/modules/ModuleName/languages/en_us.lang.php like this:

  // Beginning of file snipped
  'LBL_NEW_FORM_TITLE' => 'New Applications',
  'LBL_COMPUTER' => 'Computer', // New label

Then we can use this label on the layout files, for example on custom/modulebuilder/packages/PackageName/modules/ModuleName/metadata/editviewdefs.php, like this:

  1 =>
  array (
    'name' => 'shop_computers_shop_applications_name',
    'label' => 'LBL_COMPUTER', // New label

For more details look at: Fixing one-to-many relationships in SugarCRM 5.1

5.3 Deploy the package on mb_520h and check it

If we want, we can deploy the package on mb_520h. It is done by clicking the button Deploy on the Module Builder. By deploying the package we can check how it looks like when it is installed on the application.

If there is something to be improved, then we go back to the Module Builder and refine the module fields, layouts, etc. Then we deploy the package again. However, bef ore re-deploying, it is better to go to Admin-->Module Loader and first Disable and then Uninstall the package. By trial-and-error I have found out that this way it works better.

These refine-redeploy steps can be repeated as many times as necessary, until we are satisfied with the package.

Note: During this phase, some manual modifications on the source code of the package can be done as well, and the Module Builder will preserve them and pick them up, for example modifying the layout metafiles. However it is not always safe, and sometimes the Module Builder is going to overwrite the manual modifications. So, it is better to do as little manual modifications as possible.

5.4 Publish the package

Publish the package by clicking the button Publish on the Module Builder. However, before publishing, remove the directory builds/:

cd mb_p520h/custom/modulebuilder/
rm -rf package_name/builds/

Now that the package is published, we can add to subversion the directory mb_p520h/custom/modulebuilder/package_name/packages/, so that we can continue later working on it for the milestone2:

cd mb_p520h/custom/modulebuilder/
svn add package_name/
svn revert -R package_name/builds/
rm -rf package_name/builds/
svn commit -m 'The code of Module Builder for milestone1.'

Attention: Be careful to not commit to the repository anything else. When deploying the package, other files on the application can be modified, however we should not commit these changes. This is because mb_p520h is just a test working copy. These changes will be applied to the application by installing the package.

Alternatively, in order to save the code of the Module Builder, we can Export the package from the Module Builder and store the zip file somewhere. When this zip file is loaded on the Module Loader, the package will be available on the Module Builder for further development.

Once the code of the module builder is preserved, we can delete the directory mb_p520h. We are not going to use Module Builder anymore, until we start with the next milestone.

5.5 Import the source code of the package on vendor/milestone1

  • Create the subversion directory structure for the package:
    svn mkdir -m 'custom package'
    svn mkdir -m 'unmodified releases of the package'
    svn mkdir -m 'modified versions of the package'
  • Unzip the package that was published from the Module Builder and extract the source code:
    mkdir milestone1/
    cd milestone1/
    unzip ../zip/
    icons  LICENSE.txt  manifest.php  SugarModules
    cd ..
  • Clean any files that are not needed (for example subversion directories):
    find milestone1/ -name '\.svn' | xargs rm -rf
  • Import the source code of the package on subversion:
    svn import milestone1/ -m 'Package release'
    rm -rf milestone1/
  • Copy vendor/milestone1 to patched/milestone1:
    svn copy{vendor,patched}/milestone1/ -m 'The modified milestone1 package'

5.6 Create the scripts directory and get the working copy of the package

  • Create the subversion directories:
    svn mkdir -m 'package managing scripts'
    svn mkdir -m 'built packages'
  • Check it out:
    svn checkout
    cd scripts/
  • Check out the source code of the package as well (the one that is going to be patched):
    svn checkout src

    Note: It is checked out on the directory src/.

  • Create the script with a content like this:
    # Build an installable Sugar package $PACKAGE from the $SRCDIR directory.
    # Written by Sander Marechal <>
    # Released into the Public Domain
    STAMP=`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`
    DATE=`date --rfc-3339 seconds`
    # find the local and remote revision numbers
    LOCALREV=`svn info -R $SRCDIR | sed -n 's/Revision: \([0-9]\+\)/\1/p' | sort -ur | head -n 1`
    REMOTEURL=`svn info $SRCDIR | sed -n 's/URL: \(.*\)/\1/p'`
    REMOTEREV=`svn info $REMOTEURL -R | sed -n 's/Revision: \([0-9]\+\)/\1/p' | sort -ur | head -n 1`
    svn_update() {
    	read UPDATE;
    	case "$UPDATE" in
    			svn update;
    			LOCALREV=`svn info $SRCDIR | sed -n 's/Revision: \([0-9]\+\)/\1/p'`
    			exit 0;
    			echo -n "Please enter [Y]es, [n]o or [a]bort: ";
    keep_local_changes() {
    	case "$KEEPCHANGES" in
    			echo "Please commit your changes first";
    			exit 0;
    			echo -n "Please enter [Y]es or [n]o: ";
    if [ "$LOCALREV" -lt "$REMOTEREV" ]; then
    	echo "Local working copy seems out of date. Working copy is at r$LOCALREV but HEAD is at r$REMOTEREV";
    	echo -n "Do you want to run 'svn update' [Y/n/a]? ";
    # Check for local changes
    CHANGES=`svn status $PACKAGE | grep -v "^\?" | wc -l`
    if [ "$CHANGES" -gt 0 ]; then
    	echo -n "Local working copy has uncommitted changes. Continue [Y/n]? ";
    # Create the build directory
    if [ ! -d "$BUILDDIR" ]; then
    	mkdir $BUILDDIR;
    # Copy package to the build directory
    mkdir $PACKAGEDIR;
    cp -r $SRCDIR/* $PACKAGEDIR/;
    # Remove all the .svn dirs
    SVNDIRS=`find $PACKAGEDIR -name ".svn"`
    for SVNDIR in "$SVNDIRS"; do
    	rm -rf $SVNDIR;
    # Remove all the .swp files from Vim
    SWPFILES=`find $PACKAGEDIR -name "*.swp"`
    for SWPFILE in "$SWPFILES"; do
    	rm -f $SWPFILE;
    # Replace @VERSION@ and @DATE@ in the manifest
    sed -e "s/@VERSION@/$VERSION/g" -e "s/@DATE@/$DATE/g" $PACKAGEDIR/manifest.php > $PACKAGEDIR/manifest2.php
    rm -f $PACKAGEDIR/manifest.php
    mv $PACKAGEDIR/manifest2.php $PACKAGEDIR/manifest.php
    # Create the zip file
    if [ -f $ZIPFILE ]; then
    	rm -f $ZIPFILE;
    zip -qr ../$ZIPFILE .;
    cd ../..;
    # Clean the build directory
    rm -rf $PACKAGEDIR;
    # All done
    echo "Succcesfully built package $BUILDDIR/$ZIPFILE";
  • Add the script on subversion:
    svn add
    svn commit -m 'script for building the package automatically'

5.7 Modify manually the code of the package

  • Replace the date and version of the package by variables:
    sed -e "/'published_date' => /   s/ => .*/ => '@DATE@',/"      \
        -e "/'version' => /          s/ => .*/ => '@VERSION@',/"   \
        -i src/manifest.php

    Now the file src/manifest.php should look like this:

    . . . . . . . . . .
    	     'is_uninstallable' => true,
    	     'name' => 'BID',
    	     'published_date' => '@DATE@',
    	     'type' => 'module',
    	     'version' => '@VERSION@',
    	     'remove_tables' => 'prompt',
    . . . . . . . . . .

    The script is going to replace the variables @DATE@ and @VERSION@ by the correct values, so, each time that the package is built, it is going to have a different version.

  • Generate the package:
    Succcesfully built package build/

5.8 Install package on the working copy of the application

After the zip package is built (using the script it is installed on SugarCE from the Module Loader.

Attention: Before installing a package, make sure that the directory of SugarCE is writable by apache:

cd /var/www/
chgrp -R www-data app/
chmod -R g+w app/

If something needs to be fixed or modified, it should be modified on the source code of the package, the package should be built, and it should be installed again from the Module Loader. To repeat all these steps for each small modification can be a bit tedious. So, as an alternative way, the changes can be first made directly on the application, and after they are tested, they can be applied on the code of the package as well. Then the package needs to be rebuilt and reinstalled once in a while, not for each modification.

5.9 Import a new milestone on the subversion

When milestone1 is finished, we can go back to mb_p520h and build the modules of the milestone2. When this is done, we publish the package again. Then we should import the milestone2 release of the package on subversion. It can be done like this:

  • Unzip the package that was published from the Module Builder and extract the source code:
    mkdir milestone2/
    cd milestone2/
    unzip ../zip/
    icons  LICENSE.txt  manifest.php  SugarModules
    cd ..
  • Clean any files that are not needed (for example subversion directories):
    find milestone2/ -name '\.svn' | xargs rm -rf
  • Import the source code of the package on subversion:
    svn import milestone2/ -m 'Package release'
    rm -rf milestone2/
  • Copy vendor/milestone2 to patched/milestone2:
    svn copy{vendor,patched}/milestone2/ -m 'The modified milestone2 package'
  • Now we should find the changes that we did on patched/milestone1/ and apply them again on patched/milestone2/:
    svn checkout
    svn merge{vendor,patched}/milestone1/ milestone2/
    svn status
    svn commit

    Here maybe we will have to apply manually any patches that cannot be applied automatically.

  • Rename the directory milestone2/ to src/ and rebuild the package using the script Then install the package again on the Module Loader.

6 Customizing SugarCE Code

6.1 Non-upgrade compatible

In this section I will describe some of the customizations that I have done to the base SugarCE code. These changes are always done on the patched version of the sugarcrm.

6.1.1 Pop-up window size

The size of the pop-up window (which is opened from Relate fields, when you click on the button Select) has a fixed size: 600x400 . I would like it to have a default size of 600x800. I would also like it to be configurable, so that for certain pop-up windows I can choose a size that is different from the default.

In order to achieve this, I have modified the files:

  • include/SugarFields/Fields/Relate/EditView.tpl
  • include/SugarFields/Fields/Relate/SearchView.tpl

The modification has changed the size of the window:

600, 400,

to this:

{ {if empty($displayParams.popupWidth) }}600{ {else}}{ {$displayParams.popupWidth}}{ {/if}},
{ {if empty($displayParams.popupHeight) }}800{ {else}}{ {$displayParams.popupHeight}}{ {/if}},

Note: It is in one line, without break.

6.1.2 Disable Mass Update

In order to hide/disable mass update on all the modules, I make

var $showMassupdateFields = false;

on the file include/ListView/ListViewSmarty.php.

6.1.3 Adding debug functions

Append these functions to include/utils.php:

//function for debug
function print_r_tree($data)
    // capture the output of print_r
    $out = print_r($data, true);

    // replace something like '[element] => <newline> (' with <a href="javascript:toggleDisplay('...');">...</a><div id="..." style="display: none;">
    $out = preg_replace('/([ \t]*)(\[[^\]]+\][ \t]*\=\>[ \t]*[a-z0-9 \t_]+)\n[ \t]*\(/iUe',"'\\1<a href=\"javascript:toggleDisplay(\''.(\$id = substr(md5(rand().'\\0'), 0, 7)).'\');\">\\2</a><div id=\"'.\$id.'\" style=\"display: none;\">'", $out);

    // replace ')' on its own on a new line (surrounded by whitespace is ok) with '</div>
    $out = preg_replace('/^\s*\)\s*$/m', '</div>', $out);

    // print the javascript function toggleDisplay() and then the transformed output
    echo '<pre>';
    echo '<script language="Javascript">function toggleDisplay(id) { document.getElementById(id).style.display = (document.getElementById(id).style.display == "block") ? "none" : "block"; }</script>'."\n$out";
    echo '</ pre>';
//function for debug
function print_r_log($data)

The first function displays the structure of an object as an expandable tree, and the second one outputs the structure of the object on the log file. Sometimes they can be useful.

6.1.4 Subpanel configuration

On the file config_override.php I have appended these lines:

$sugar_config['default_subpanel_tabs'] = false;
$sugar_config['hide_subpanels'] = false;
$sugar_config['hide_subpanels_on_login'] = true;

It will make subpanel tabs to be disabled by default. Also, all the subpanels will be collapsed when you login to the application, however when a subpanel is expanded, it will remain expanded.

6.2 Upgrade compatible

The upgrade compatible changes are always done on the package.

6.2.1 Modifying manually the view and layout of the modules

The view and layout of the modules can be changed by modifying the files on the directory metadata/ of the module: listviewdefs.php, editviewdefs.php, detailviewdefs.php, etc.

6.2.2 Customize the search and listview of the popups

The layout of the popup window of a module can be changed by modifying the file metadata/popupdefs.php of the module.

$popupMeta['searchdefs'] = array('inventory_number', 'serial_number');
$popupMeta['listviewdefs'] =
array (
  'NAME' =>
  array (
    'width' => '10%',
    'label' => 'LBL_NAME',
    'default' => true,
    'link' => true,
  array (
    'width' => '10%',
    'label' => 'LBL_SERIAL_NUMBER',
    'default' => true,
    'link' => true,
  array (
    'width' => '10%',
    'label' => 'LBL_ITEM_STATUS',
    'default' => true,
  array (
    'width' => '10%',
    'label' => 'LBL_DATE_MODIFIED',
    'default' => true,
  array (
    'width' => '10%',
    'label' => 'LBL_INVENTORY_NUMBER',
    'default' => false,
    'link' => true,
  array (
    'width' => '10%',
    'label' => 'LBL_DATE_ENTERED',
    'default' => false,
  [. . . . . . . . . . .]

The format of the 'listviewdefs' array is the same as the file listviewdefs.php.

6.2.3 Filter automatically the list of the pop-up

When we select an employee from a pop-up, usually we want the list of employees to be filtered automatically for a certain department. This can be done by adding the initial_filter option at the displayParams of the field, on editviewdefs.php :

0 =>
array (
  'name' => 'technicien',
  'studio' => 'visible',
  'label' => 'LBL_TECHNICIEN',
  'displayParams' => array('initial_filter'=>'&department_advanced=it', 'popupHeight'=>600),

Note that _advanced is appended to the name of the field. Also, the value of this field is searched with wildcards, like this: %it%.

6.2.4 Change the default sort order of the subpanels

Suppose that we have a subpanel of items for each workstation, and we would like them to be sorted by the item name, in the ascending order. It can be done by editing the file src/SugarModules/relationships/layoutdefs/bid_Workstation.php like this:

$layout_defs["bid_Workstation"]["subpanel_setup"]["bid_workstation_bid_item"] = array (
  'sort_order' => 'asc',
  'sort_by' => 'name',

So, sort_by specifies the field that will be used for sorting, and sort_order specifies whether it is ascending or descending.

6.2.5 Creating logic hooks

Logic hooks are used to customize the default logic of the modules. Suppose that we would like to change the default logic of the items module. It can be done like this:

  • Create the file src/SugarModules/custom/modules/bid_Item/logic_hooks.php with this content:
    $hook_version = 1;
    $hook_array['before_save'][] =
    $hook_array['after_retrieve'][] =
  • Create the file src/SugarModules/custom/modules/bid_Item/logic_hooks.php with this content:
    class updateItem
      function before_save(&$bean, $event, $arguments)
        $bean->name = $bean->inventory_number . ' ' . $bean->type;
        $location = $bean->current_location;
        $location = ereg_replace('^/.+/', '', $location);
        if ($bean->bid_workstation_bid_item_name != '')
          $location = $bean->bid_workstation_bid_item_name.'/'.$location;
        if ($bean->bid_idcenter_bid_item_name != '')
          $location = $bean->bid_idcenter_bid_item_name.'/'.$location;
        if ($bean->bid_idcenter_bid_item_name != ''
    	or $bean->bid_workstation_bid_item_name != '')
          $location = '/'.$location;
        $bean->current_location = $location;
      function after_retrieve(&$bean, $event, $arguments)
        global $action;
        if ($action=='EditView')
    	$bean->current_location = ereg_replace('^/.+/', '', $bean->current_location);
  • Modify the section copy on the file src/manifest.php by adding these lines:
    'copy' =>
    array (
    [. . . . . . . . . .]
      22 =>
      array (
        'from' => '<basepath>/SugarModules/custom/modules/bid_Item',
        'to' => 'custom/modules/bid_Item',
    [. . . . . . . . . .]

6.2.6 Customize the export queries

The export query is used by the framework when the user clicks the button Export on the list of a module. It takes into account the selected items of the list, the ordering of the list, etc. It returns as a result a CSV file.

The export query of a module can be customized by overriding the function create_export_query() of the module. For example, I have created a custom module about inventory items. I have modified the file src/SugarModules/modules/bid_Item/bid_Item.php of the package so that it looks like this:



class bid_Item extends bid_Item_sugar
  function bid_Item(){

  function create_export_query(&$order_by, &$where, $relate_link_join='')
    $query = "
    code, inventory_number, type, serial_number, product_model,
    category, item_status, current_location
FROM bid_item
WHERE (deleted!=1)

    if ($where != "")  $query .= " AND ($where) ";

    if (!empty($order_by))
      $query .=  " ORDER BY ". $this->process_order_by($order_by, null);

    return $query;

So, it simply constructs and returns a SELECT query, using also the parameters $order_by and $where if they are not empty.

The query can be as complicated as we wish, joining with other modules as well. For example:

    $query = "
SELECT                 AS 'Remote Site',
    idc.code                 AS 'CSO Code',
    idc.address_city         AS 'City',
    idc.district             AS 'District',
    idc.region               AS 'Region',     AS 'WKS Name',
    bid_workstation.code     AS 'WKS Number',
    bid_workstation.type     AS 'Type',
    bid_workstation.status   AS 'Status',
    bid_workstation.real_ip  AS 'Real IP',
    bid_workstation.vpn_ip   AS 'VPN IP',                AS 'Operator',
    empl.contract_number     AS 'Operator No.'
FROM bid_workstation
LEFT JOIN bid_idcente_workstation_c jt1
    ON ( = jt1.bid_idcentc582station_idb)
    AND (jt1.deleted IS NULL OR jt1.deleted=0)
LEFT JOIN bid_idcenter idc
    ON ( = jt1.bid_idcent37badcenter_ida)
    AND (idc.deleted IS NULL OR idc.deleted=0)
LEFT JOIN bid_employee empl
    ON (bid_workstation.bid_employee_id_c =
    AND (empl.deleted IS NULL OR empl.deleted=0)
    (bid_workstation.deleted IS NULL OR bid_workstation.deleted=0)


7 Upgrading SugarCE

In this page I am going to describe the real steps that I have used to upgrade SugarCE from version 5.2.0j to 5.2.0k, and then to 5.5 .

7.1 Upgrading from 5.2.0j to 5.2.0k

7.1.1 Upgrade the vendor branch

  • Copy branch vendor/v520j to vendor/v520k:
    svn copy{j,k} \
          -m 'Upgrading sugarcrm to version 520k'   
    cd /var/www/
    svn checkout
    chgrp -R www-data v520k/
    chmod g+w -R v520k/
  • Copy the database v520j to v520k:
    p520j/db/ v520j
    p520j/db/ v520k v520j.sql
    echo 'grant all privileges on v520k.* to sugarusr@localhost with grant option;' | mysql -p
  • Edit v520k/config.php and fix these lines:
    'db_name' => 'v520k',
    'site_url' => '',
  • Get the SugarCE patch:
  • Open in browser, go to Admin -->Upgrade Wizard and install the patch
  • Commit the changes to the svn repository:
    svn status
    svn commit -m 'Upgrade to version 520k'
  • Remove the directory v520k/:
    rm -rf v520k/

7.1.2 Upgrade the patched branch

  • Copy the branch patched/p520j to patched/p520k:
    svn copy{j,k} \
        -m 'Upgrading the patched version to p520k'
    cd /var/www/
    svn checkout
    chgrp -R www-data p520k/
    chmod g+w -R p520k/
  • Copy the database p520j to p520k:
    p520k/db/ p520j
    p520k/db/ p520k p520j.sql
    echo 'grant all privileges on p520k.* to sugarusr@localhost with grant option;' | mysql -p
  • Edit the file p520k/config.php and make sure that db_name and site_url are correct.
  • Open in browser, go to Admin --> Upgrade Wizard and install the patch
  • Check that has no problems and commit the changes to the svn repository:
    svn commit -m 'Upgrading the patched version to p520k'
  • Apply the manual modifications that were done for the version 520j:
    cd /var/www/p520k/
    svn merge \ .
  • Make sure that p520k/config.php has db_name and site_url like this:
    'db_name' => basename(dirname(__FILE__)),
    'site_url' => ''.basename(dirname(__FILE__)),
  • Resolve any conflicts, check that has no problems, and commit the changes:
    svn commit -m 'Merge the manual modifications between vendor/v520j and patched/p520j to patched/p520k'

7.1.3 Upgrade the application

  • Build the script like this:
    ### make a copy of the given application
    ### check the parameters
    if [ $# -ne 2 ]
      echo "
    Usage: $0 app1 app2
    Make a copy of the first application with the second name.
      exit 1
    ### get the parameters
    ### check the destination directory
    if [ -d $app2 ]
      echo "Directory $app2 already exists."
      exit 2
    ### backup the database of app1
    ### copy the application directory
    cp -a $app1 $app2
    ### copy the database
    $app2/db/ $app2 $app2/db/$app1.sql
    ### grant access to the database
    echo 'grant all privileges on $app2.* to sugarusr@localhost with grant option;' | mysql -p

    It is used to make another copy of an application directory, with a different name. It makes a copy of the database as well, and it will ask several times for the password of the database administrator (root).

    Making a copy of the application can be useful for testing some changes before applying them to the main copy.

  • Using the script make a copy of the application:
    rm -rf app1/
    ./ app app1
    chgrp www-data -R app1/
    chmod g+w -R app1/
  • Open, go to Admin --> Upgrade Wizard and upgrade with
  • Check that is OK (upgrade has not broken anything).
  • Installing the upgrade patch may overwrite any of the files that we have modified/patched previously, so we should re-apply the sugarcrm patches:
    cd /var/www/
    svn info p520k/
    svn log | more
    svn help merge
    svn merge -c 79 app1/
    svn status app1/
    svn commit app1/ -m 'Reapply sugarcrm patches from patched/p520k (merge -c 79)'

    It is the change-set that we did on patched/p520k that we apply again on app1.

  • On go to Admin --> Module Loader and re-install the application package Then check the modifications, if any, and commit them again.
  • Make a copy of app1 to app:
    cd /var/www/
    rm -rf app/
    ./ app1 app

    The application app1 now can be cleaned (removed), or it can be kept for testing purposes.

7.2 Upgrading from 5.2.0k to 5.5.0

7.2.1 Upgrade the vendor branch

  • Copy branch vendor/v520k to vendor/v550:
    svn copy{v520k,v550} \
        -m 'Upgrading sugarcrm to version 550'
    cd /var/www/
    svn checkout
    chgrp -R www-data v550/
    chmod g+w -R v550/
  • Copy the database v520k to v550:
    p520k/db/ v520k
    p520k/db/ v550 v520k.sql
    echo 'grant all privileges on v550.* to sugarusr@localhost with grant option;' | mysql -p
  • Edit v550/config.php and fix these lines:
    'db_name' => 'v550',
    'site_url' => '',
  • Get the SugarCE upgrade patch:
  • Make sure that the PHP command-line interface is installed (we need it in order to run the silent upgrade script from the command-line):
    aptitude install php5-cli
  • Modify /etc/php5/cli/php.ini like this:
    ;max_execution_time = 30      ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
    max_execution_time = 6000     ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
    ;max_input_time = 60 ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data
    max_input_time = 600 ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data
    ;max_input_nesting_level = 64 ; Maximum input variable nesting level
    ;memory_limit = 32M      ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (32MB)
    memory_limit = 128M      ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (32MB)
    ;post_max_size = 8M
    post_max_size = 64M
    ;upload_max_filesize = 2M
    upload_max_filesize = 64M
  • Run the silent upgrade script from the shell:
    cd /var/www/
    mkdir upgrade
    cd upgrade/
    unzip ../zip/
    php -f silentUpgrade.php ../zip/ upgrade.log ../v550/ admin
  • Open in browser and check that it works.
  • In case that you get an error like this:
    Fatal error: Call to a member function getQuery() on a
    non-object Contact.php on ...

    Then check this discussion: So, it can be fixed by opening this is browser and doing repair:

  • Synchronize with the svn repository and commit the modifications:
    cd ../v550/
    svn status
    svn status | grep '!' | gawk '{print $2}' | xargs svn rm
    svn status | grep '?' | gawk '{print $2}' | xargs svn add
    svn commit -m 'Upgrade to version 550'
    chgrp www-data -R .
    chmod g+w -R .
  • Remove the directory v550/:
    rm -rf v550/

7.2.2 Upgrade the patched branch

  • Copy the branch patched/p520k to patched/p550:
    svn copy{p520k,p550} \
        -m 'Upgrading the patched version to p550'
    cd /var/www/
    svn checkout
    chgrp -R www-data p550/
    chmod g+w -R p550/
  • Copy the database p520k to p550:
    p520k/db/ p520k
    p520k/db/ p550 p520k.sql
    echo 'grant all privileges on p550.* to sugarusr@localhost with grant option;' | mysql -p
  • Edit the file p550/config.php and make sure that db_name and site_url are correct.
  • Get the SugarCE patch:
  • Run the silent upgrade script from the command-line interface:
    cd upgrade/
    php -f silentUpgrade.php ../zip/ upgrade.log ../p550/ admin
    cd ../p550/
    chgrp www-data -R .
    chmod g+w -R .
  • Open in browser and check that it works.
  • Synchronize with the svn repository and commit the modifications:
    cd ../p550/
    svn status
    svn status | grep '!' | gawk '{print $2}' | xargs svn rm
    svn status | grep '?' | gawk '{print $2}' | xargs svn add
    svn commit -m 'Upgrade to version 550'
    chgrp www-data -R .
    chmod g+w -R .
  • Merge the manual modifications:
    cd /var/www/p550/
    svn merge \ .
  • Open in browser and check that it works.
  • Commit modifications in the svn repository:
    svn commit -m 'Merge the manual modifications between vendor/v520k and patched/p520k to patched/p550'

7.2.3 Upgrade the application

  • Make a copy of the application using the script
    rm -rf app1/
    ./ app app1
    chgrp www-data -R app1/
    chmod g+w -R app1/
  • Run the silent upgrade script from the command-line interface:
    cd upgrade/
    php -f silentUpgrade.php ../zip/ upgrade.log ../app1/ admin
    cd ../app1/
    chgrp www-data -R .
    chmod g+w -R .
  • Open in browser and test that it works.
  • Synchronize with the svn repository and commit the modifications:
    svn status
    svn status | grep '!' | gawk '{print $2}' | xargs svn rm
    svn status | grep '?' | gawk '{print $2}' | xargs svn add
    svn status | grep '^~' | gawk '{print $2}' | xargs rm -rf
    svn update
    svn commit -m 'Upgrading to version 550'
    chgrp www-data -R .
    chmod g+w -R .
  • Reapply sugarcrm patches:
    cd /var/www/
    svn info p550/
    svn log | more
    svn help merge
    svn merge -r92:98 app1/
    svn status app1/
    svn commit app1/ -m 'Reapply sugarcrm patches from patched/p550 (svn merge -r92:98'
  • On go to Admin --> Module Loader and re-install the application package Then check the modifications, if any, and commit them again.
  • Make a copy of app1 to app:
    cd /var/www/
    rm -rf app/
    ./ app1 app

    Now app1/ can be removed or can be kept for making tests.

8 Generating Custom Excel Reports

8.0.1 Register a new entry point

Create the file src/SugarModules/custom/include/MVC/Controller/entry_point_registry.php with this content:

$entry_point_registry['report'] = array('file' => 'custom/include/reports/report.php',
                                        'auth' => true);

It will register a special entry point for the reports. The file that will handle the requests on this entry point is custom/include/reports/report.php.

8.0.2 Add a link to the report

Append these lines to the file src/SugarModules/modules/bid_Workstation/Menu.php:

if (ACLController::checkAccess('bid_Workstation', 'export', true))
    $params = "report=inventory_all&format=csv&module=bid_Workstation";
    $module_menu[] = Array("index.php?entryPoint=report&$params",
                           "Get Full Inventory",

It is going to add a new button on the left menu of the module Workstations. The label of the button will be "Get Full Inventory" and the icon will be the same one that is used for the "Import". The action of the button will access the entry point report (index.php?entryPoint=report) and the parameters of the action specify the type of the report (inventory_all), the format of the report (csv) and the module (bid_Workstation). The button will be displayed only if the user has export permission on the module.

8.0.3 Create the PHP code that generates the reports

  • Create the file src/SugarModules/custom/include/reports/report.php with this content:
    $report = clean_string($_REQUEST['report']);
    $format = clean_string($_REQUEST['format']);
    if (empty($format))  $format='csv';
    $report_function = "get_${format}_report";
    $content = $report_function($report);
    $filename = "$report.$format";
    //send the reply to the browser
    global $locale;
    header("Pragma: cache");
    header("Content-type: application/octet-stream; charset=".$locale->getExportCharset());
    header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filename");
    header("Content-transfer-encoding: binary");
    header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT" );
    header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT" );
    header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false );
    header("Content-Length: ".strlen($content));
    print $locale->translateCharset($content, 'UTF-8', $locale->getExportCharset());

    It gets the content of the report and sends it to the browser as a binary file.

  • Create the file src/SugarModules/custom/include/reports/report_utils.php with this content:
    function check_access()
      if(!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
      if( empty($_REQUEST['report']) || empty($_REQUEST['report'])
          || !isset($_SESSION['authenticated_user_id']) )
          die("Not a Valid Entry Point");
      global $sugar_config;
      global $current_user;
      $the_module = clean_string($_REQUEST['module']);
      if ( $sugar_config['disable_export']
           || ( !empty($sugar_config['admin_export_only'])
    	    && !(is_admin($current_user)
    		 || (ACLController::moduleSupportsACL($the_module)
    		     && ACLAction::getUserAccessLevel($current_user->id,
    						      'access') == ACL_ALLOW_ENABLED
    		     && (ACLAction::getUserAccessLevel($current_user->id,
    						       'admin') == ACL_ALLOW_ADMIN
    			 || ACLAction::getUserAccessLevel($current_user->id,
    							  'admin') == ACL_ALLOW_ADMIN_DEV)))))
    function getDelimiter()
      global $sugar_config;
      global $current_user;
      $userDelimiter = $current_user->getPreference('export_delimiter');
      if (!empty($userDelimiter))  return $userDelimiter;
      $sugarDelimiter = $sugar_config['export_delimiter'];
      if (!empty($sugarDelimiter))  return $sugarDelimiter;
      $delimiter = ','; // default to "comma"
      return $delimiter;
    function get_csv_report($report)
      global $app_strings;
      $content = '';
      $db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
      //get the query of the report
      switch ($report)
        case 'inventory_all':
          $query = "call get_workstation_inventory();";
      //run the query and get the result
      $result = $db->query($query, true, $app_strings['ERR_EXPORT_TYPE'].": <BR>.".$query);
      //build the header
      $fields_array = $db->getFieldsArray($result, true);
      $content .= get_csv_line($fields_array);
      while($val = $db->fetchByAssoc($result, -1, false))
          $new_arr = array();
          foreach (array_values($val) as $key => $value)
    	  array_push($new_arr, preg_replace('/"/','""', $value));
          $content .= get_csv_line($new_arr);
      return $content;
    function get_csv_line($arr)
      $line = '"' . implode('"'.getDelimiter().'"', $arr) . '"';
      $line .= "\r\n";
      return $line;

The function get_csv_report($report) gets a query for the given report type, executes it, converts the result to CSV format and returns it.

8.0.4 Create the MySQL stored procedures of the reports

The query that is used for the report is just call get_workstation_inventory();. It is a call to the MySQL stored procedure get_workstation_inventory.

  • This stored procedure is created by the SQL script src/SugarModules/custom/include/reports/get_workstation_inventory.sql, which has a content like this:
    DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS get_workstation_inventory;;
    CREATE PROCEDURE get_workstation_inventory()
    [. . . . . . . . . . .]
  • Create the PHP file src/SugarModules/custom/include/reports/install_stored_procedures.php, which has a content like this:
    $dbhost = $sugar_config['dbconfig']['db_host_name'];
    $dbuser = $sugar_config['dbconfig']['db_user_name'];
    $dbpass = $sugar_config['dbconfig']['db_password'];
    $dbname = $sugar_config['dbconfig']['db_name'];
    $sql_script = 'custom/include/reports/get_workstation_inventory.sql';
    $sql_cmd = "mysql --host='$dbhost' --user='$dbuser' --password='$dbpass' --database='$dbname' < $sql_script";
    $output = shell_exec($sql_cmd);
    print "<xmp>$output</xmp>";

It is used to execute the SQL script src/SugarModules/custom/include/reports/get_workstation_inventory.sql during the installation of the package, in order to create the stored procedures.

8.0.5 Install the code of the reports

  • Modify the file src/manifest.php of the package and on the section copy add entries like these:
    'copy' =>
    array (
    [. . . . . . . . . . . . .]
      24 =>
      array (
        'from' => '<basepath>/SugarModules/custom/include/MVC/Controller',
        'to' => 'custom/include/MVC/Controller',
      25 =>
      array (
        'from' => '<basepath>/SugarModules/custom/include/reports',
        'to' => 'custom/include/reports',

    This is needed so that when the package is installed, the files that we created are copied to the proper places on the application.

  • At the end of the file src/manifest.php append also this code:
    'post_execute' =>
    array (
           0 => '<basepath>/SugarModules/custom/include/reports/install_stored_procedures.php',

    This is in order to run the script install_stored_procedures.php after installing the package. This script will run the SQL script that creates the stored procedure get_workstation_inventory which is used to generate the report.


Date: 2010-02-02

Author: Dashamir Hoxha

Created: 2019-01-24 Thu 05:12

Emacs 25.1.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)


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