LTSP Scenarios

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LTSP Scenarios

LTSP Scenarios

About LTSP

LTSP allows computers of a LAN to boot through the network from a single server. The benefits of using it are reduced hardware costs and reduced time of maintenance.

Hardware costs are reduced because the clients don't need to be powerful, since everything (or almost everything) runs on the server. They don't need to have a hard-disk and don't need to have much RAM.

The time of maintenance is reduced because there is only the server to be maintained, not 20-30 computers of the LAN. Installing new software, updating, upgrading etc. is done only once on the server. The reduced time of maintenance is becoming the most important benefit of using LTSP, as hardware becomes cheaper.

Besides these, LTSP has other administration and communication benefits. For example it provides centralized user accounts (a user can login to his account from any terminal). Or screen/desktop sharing (for example a teacher can show his desktop to the students for demonstration, or can see what they are doing, and even help them remotely).

In this article we will see different configuration and maintenance scenarios of a LTSP server. These are based on my experience and on the discussion made on the ltsp-discuss mailing list. It is by no means a complete or thorough list of all the possible scenarios, so any suggestions for adding new scenarios to this list would be welcome.

Managing User Accounts

User accounts are created and maintained on the server. Any command or tool will do, but if there are lots of accounts, some bash scripts would be useful for automating bulk operations. This is such a script:

As shown also on its help, you can use it to create new accounts, export, import, backup and restore user accounts and their home directories:

Usage: ./ [<command>] [<filename>]


    create [<user-file.txt>]
        Create new user accounts. Each line of the input contains
        a username, unencrypted password, and details, separated by ':'.
        If no file is given than read from stdin.

        Export to stdout username, encrypted password and details
        for all the users.

    import [<user-file.passwd>]
        Import usernames, encrypted passwords and details from the export file.
        If no file is given than read from stdin.

        Backup home directories and users (username:password:details).
        The backup archive is stored on the directory 'backup/'.

    restore <backup-file.tgz>
        Restore home directories and user accounts from the given backup file.

If you have a Virtual-LTSP server (a LTSP server on VirtualBox, with Vagrant), you have to login first to the server, for example like this:

cd ltsp-server/
vagrant ssh
sudo su
cd /hosts/

The backup files are usually stored on the directory /hosts/backup/, which is a shared directory between the virtualbox machine and its host. So, in case you have to rebuild the server (./ build), the backup will be available to the new server and you can restore it.

Maintaining a Chrootless Client Image

The defining feature of a chrootless client image is that there is no chroot directory for its files. Instead, the LTSP server itself is used as an example or template for the client image. This means that if we want to update/upgrade or install new software on the client image, we have to do this on the server itself, and then we have to regenerate the image of the client (using the command ltsp-update-image --cleanup /).

Sometimes there is a problem, because we want to install on the LTSP server things that we don't want to run on the client (for example apache2, mysql, guacamole, etc.).

A solution for this is to exclude from the image some of the directories and services of the server. There are these options:

  • Use the directive RM_SYSTEM_SERVICES on /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf to disable some services even if they are installed on the client.
  • Use the directive EXCLUDE on /etc/ltsp/ltsp-build-client.conf to uninstall some packages from the finished chroot.
  • Add lines like etc/apache2/ on /etc/ltsp/ltsp-update-image.excludes to exclude certain directories from the image.
  • Use the option --exclude of the command ltsp-update-image to exclude certain directories from the image.
  • Create a shell script like /etc/ltsp/cleanup.d/60-cleanup which is executed inside the chroot before generating the image from it. In this script you can uninstall packages, remove directories, etc.

Another approach, which is simpler and cleaner (in my opinion), is to unpack the client image into a directory, chroot into it, make any necessary maintenance (update, upgrade, install etc.), then generate again the client image from this chroot directory. This essentially converts it into a chroot client image, but that's OK.

It can be done like this:

unsquashfs -d /opt/ltsp/i386 /opt/ltsp/images/i386.img
rm /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/resolv.conf
ltsp-chroot -mr

apt update
apt upgrade
apt install joe jove
exit    # from chroot

systemctl restart nbd-server

Some other tips and tricks are available here:

Using NFS Instead of NBD

Usually NBD should perform better than NFS in network traffic, because the NBD client image is also compressed. But there may be cases when you would prefer NFS. Besides, with NBD you always need an extra step for updates, which is generating the image. Depending on the size of the chroot, this may take a long time. With NFS you share directly the chroot with the clients, which means that any update that you make on chroot is available immediately to the clients.

Actually it is quite easy to turn an NBD installation to an NFS installation, as discussed here:

First you need to install and configure an NFS server:

apt install nfs-kernel-server
ltsp-config nfs
systemctl restart nfs-server

You also have to modify /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/(i386|amd64)/pxelinux.cfg/ltsp to default to ltsp-NFS instead of ltsp-NDB.

Since NFS needs a chroot directory to share with the clients, you also need to build a chroot directory for the clients. One way of doing it is like this:

ltsp-build-client --purge-chroot --mount-package-cache  # creates a chrooted environment in /opt/ltsp/(i386|amd64)
ltsp-chroot -m apt install gnome-session   # if you use gnome as desktop environment

But if you have already a chrootless image, you can unpack it into a chroot directory like this:

unsquashfs -d /opt/ltsp/amd64 /opt/ltsp/images/amd64.img

This approach has the advantage that the chroot directory will be a copy of the server, you don't need to build it.

Creating Guest Accounts

In public computers (e.g. in schools, libraries, universities, etc.) sometimes it is useful to have guest accounts. This means that the content of the account is temporary and is erased immediately after logout (or on login). This is important because it reverts automatically all the default settings, no matter how much the users mess with them, therefore minimizing the need for maintenance. It is also important for the safety of the users, because it ensures that no open accounts or passwords are left behind.

The approach used in LTSP for creating guest accounts is to create a user for each different IP, and to reset the content of the home of this user when he makes a login. It is described on these posts:

We need to add these directives on lts.conf in order to enable the guest login button:


This script (which should work on any Ubuntu bionic LTSP server) can be used to create and configure automatically guest accounts:

#!/bin/bash -x
### Create and config guest accounts.


# create the template/skeleton guest account
groupadd guest --gid=500 -f
adduser $guest --uid=500 --gid=500 \
        --shell=/bin/bash --gecos '' \
usermod $guest --password="$(openssl passwd -stdin <<< $pass)"
chown $guest:guest -R /home/$guest

# create the guest accounts
rm -rf /home/guest-accounts/
mkdir -p /home/guest-accounts/
for ip in {1..255}; do
    adduser $user --uid=$((500 + $ip)) --gid=500 \
            --home=/home/guest-accounts/$user \
            --shell=/bin/bash --gecos '' \
    usermod $user --password="$(openssl passwd -stdin <<< $user)"

# create a script that resets a guest account
cat <<EOF > /usr/local/bin/
[[ \$user =~ ^'$hostname'[0-9]{1,3}\$ ]] || exit 1
cd /home/guest-accounts/\$user || exit 2
rm -rf .* *
rsync -a /home/$guest/ .
chown \$user -R .
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/

# allow users of group 'guest' to call the reset script with sudo
cat <<EOF > /etc/sudoers.d/reset-guest-account
# users of group 'guest' can call the reset script without password
%guest  ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/

# make sure guest accounts are reset on login
cat <<EOF > /usr/share/ldm/rc.d/S00-guest-sessions
# if username matches the pattern of a guest account
# then call the script that resets the account
echo \$LDM_USERNAME | grep -E '^$hostname[0-9]{1,3}\$' \\
    && ssh -S "\$LDM_SOCKET" "\$LDM_SERVER" 'sudo /usr/local/bin/'

### place some limits on guest accounts
sed -i /etc/security/limits.conf -e '/^### custom/,$ d'
cat <<EOF >> /etc/security/limits.conf
### custom
@guest        hard    nproc           1000
 *             hard    core            0
@guest        hard    cpu             2
@guest        hard    maxlogins       1

Guest accounts are reset on each login, which means that the home directory is erased and is replaced with the content of the home directory of the account guest. As a result, by customizing the account guest (for example changing the background) we actually customize all the guest accounts.

Desktop Configuration For New Users

Sometimes we want to customize the default desktop configuration of the users (for example change the background, add some apps on desktop or panel, etc.)

An approach that works for MATE, Gnome, Firefox, etc. is to override the settings (search on google for "default settings" or "mandatory settings"). For MATE, you can make your own override file for all users, like this:

vi /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/60_myown.gschema.override
sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/

The override file looks like this:




Here is an example:

Another approach is to create a skeleton user account, for example skel, then to make a symbolic link from /etc/skel to /home/skel:

mv /etc/skel /etc/skel.bak
ln -s /home/skel /etc/skel

The configurations that you make to the skel user will be applied automatically to the new user accounts that are created.

Note: Be careful with this approach. If some applets don't save the paths to user home directories relatively, this may lead to confusion. In this case you should remove these applets and try to configure them the other way (described above).

Reverting User Accounts to Default Configuration

It is often useful to revert all the settings of user accounts to default values, except for the files that they have saved, Firefox bookmarks, etc. This minimizes the maintenance time for user accounts, while allowing the users to play with changing the preferences and other configuration settings, etc.

It can be done by creating the script /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/share/ldm/rc.d/S01-user-sessions with a content like this:

case "$LDM_USERNAME" in
        sh -S "$LDM_SOCKET" "$LDM_SERVER" "cd; find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \
            -name '.*' -delete; rsync -a /etc/skel/ ."

If you have a chrootless client image, then this script should be saved on the file /usr/share/ldm/rc.d/S01-user-sessions .

The next step is to run ltsp-update-image (or ltsp-update-image --cleanup / for chrootless image).

If we wanted to use a configuration script like that of guest accounts it would be like this:

#!/bin/bash -x

# create a script that resets a user account
cat <<EOF > /usr/local/bin/
[[ \$user =~ ^user.*\$ ]] || exit 1
cd /home/\$user || exit 2
find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name '.*' -delete
rsync -a /etc/skel/ .
chown \$user: -R .
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/

# allow users of group 'student' to call the reset script with sudo
cat <<EOF > /etc/sudoers.d/reset-user-account
# users of group 'user' can call the reset script without password
%user  ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/

# make sure user accounts are reset on login
cat <<EOF > /usr/share/ldm/rc.d/S01-user-sessions
# if username matches the pattern of a user account
# then call the script that resets the account
echo \$LDM_USERNAME | grep -E '^user.*\$' \\
    && ssh -S "\$LDM_SOCKET" "\$LDM_SERVER" 'sudo /usr/local/bin/'

Share a Common And Persistent Directory For All the Users

Sometimes it may be useful to have a shared directory for all the users, for example if the users want to exchange files with each-other, or if the guest users want to save some persistent files. It can be accomplished by adding a line like this on lts.conf: LOCAL_APPS_EXTRAMOUNTS=/var/usr/shared You should also set proper permissions to this directory, so that it is writable by all the users, like this:

chown guest:guest /var/usr/shared
chmod 777 /var/usr/shared

When the clients boot and users login, they can access this directory on /var/usr/shared. Whatever they write on it will actually be stored on the server, so it will be persistent.

Allow Teacher To Use Epoptes From a Fat Client

Usually the teacher has access to the desktop of the LTSP server and can launch Epoptes user interface there. It is important that the Epoptes UI is launched on the LTSP server, because the Epoptes daemon is running there.

However, sometimes may not be possible to access the desktop of the LTSP server. In this case, it is possible to launch Epoptes from a fat client too. This can be done by using remote apps (which means that the apps run on the server and their display is on the client). Add these lines on /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf:

    RCFILE_01="sed 's,^Exec=/usr/bin/epoptes,Exec=ltsp-remoteapps dbus-launch epoptes,' -i /usr/share/applications/epoptes.desktop"

Now you can login on a fat client and run this on the terminal: ltsp-remoteapps dbus-launch epoptes

Note: Make sure that the user of the teacher is a member of the epoptes group.

For more details see also this:

Allow Users To Change The Password From a Fat Client

Since user accounts live on the server, usually it is not possible to change the password from the client. The only way is to ssh to the server and to change it there, or to run a remote application (meaning that the application runs on the server) that can change the password.

From the terminal it can be done like this: ssh -t server passwd (which runs the command passwd on the server). This may be a bit confusing because it requires twice the current password, before asking for the new password.

Another way that is nicer, is to set REMOTE_APPS=True in /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/amd64/lts.conf (or /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf). Then you can run from the client something like this: ltsp-remote-apps xfce4-terminal -e passwd

It is even nicer if you can create this alias (for example in .bashrc of the users):

alias passwd='ltsp-remote-apps xfce4-terminal -e passwd'

Instead of passwd, you may also call a bash script on the server, which makes the interaction with the user nicer.

It is also possible to allow users to change the password by using a GUI application. You can do something like what is described here for Epoptes: Instead of epoptes you can do it for gnome-about-me or mate-about-me (or whatever works on your desktop) and then your users will be able to change their passwords from the menu, without requiring the terminal or any other weird things.

Remote Thin/Fat Client Access for Maintenance or Debugging

Sometimes it is not possible (or feasible) to access physically the LTSP server and the clients for maintenance or debugging. In this case you can access the desktop of the LTSP server remotely. This can be done by:

Once you are able to access the desktop of the LTSP server remotely, you can access the desktop of the clients as well, through the Epoptes "remote control" feature.

You can also boot up clients remotely from Epoptes, if you have them organized in groups (see: However, for this to work, WoL (Wake on LAN) has to be enabled on the client BIOS/UEFI.

If you want to check also the boot messages on the client, you can do it with a virtual machine. For example if you install VirtualBox on the LTSP server, then you can start a VirtualBox LTSP client with a script like this: A VirtualBox client may not be exactly the same as a real client (in terms of hardware etc.), but it is better than nothing.

Instead of a VirtualBox machine, you can use a KVM virtual machine as well. It should be configured to boot in PXE and the KVM server must be in same subnet as your LTSP clients. Than you can have a QEMU+SSH connection using virt-manager, which gives you a graphical access to the VM.

Running Two LTSP Servers on The Same LAN

This may be useful for example when you already have an old server running (lets say based on Ubuntu-16.04), and you want to install and configure a new one (based on Ubuntu-18.04). You can't shutdown or throw away the old one, until the new one is prepared and tested.

The most easy way is to avoid running them simultaneously (at the same time), especially when the DHCP server is inside the LTSP server itself. In this case you have to do the installation and testing of the new server when the classroom is not being used (so that you can shut down the old server and boot up the new one).

However, if you make special configurations for each client on the DHCP server (based on the MAC addresses of the clients), it is possible to tell some of them to boot from one LTSP server, and the others to boot from the other. Then both of the LTSP servers (or all of them, if there are more than two) can run simultaneously, without stepping on the toes of each-other.

This kind of configuration (running simultaneously multiple LTSP servers on the same LAN, each one with its own clients) might be useful also on cases when you have different kinds of clients on the LAN, which have different requirements, so you use different servers to serve them. However, it is better, in general, to build different client images on the same LTSP server, and to serve them to different clients based on the clients' MAC addresses.

Having Home Directories on a Separate Server

If you run more than one LTSP server on the same LAN simultaneously, it is useful to keep all the user accounts and home directories on the same server. This means that for at least one of the LTSP servers, the user accounts will have to be accessed from another server (a different server than the one that serves the system image).

This can be done by using the directive LDM_SERVER= in lts.conf, which means "use this server for authentication and /home". It is an easy way to separate the authentication/home server, from the NBD server which serves / (the root filesystem).

Alternatively, /home can also be shared via NFS with a directive like this on lts.conf:

FSTAB_1="server:/home /home nfs defaults,nolock 0 0"

Instead of server (which is a name for the LTSP server) you can use any other server, for example

Note: Using separate servers for the system image and for home directories, implicitly does a bit of load balancing as well.

Date: 2018-12-21

Author: Dashamir Hoxha

Created: 2019-03-02 Sat 10:28


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