Web Application Deployment With Docker

Table of Contents

Installing Docker

  • Install: From https://docker.github.io/engine/getstarted/linux_install_help/

    curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com/ | sh
  • Verify installation:

    docker version
    docker run hello-world
  • Get some images from the registry:

    docker pull ubuntu:14.04
    docker pull ubuntu:16.04
    docker run ubuntu:14.04 /bin/echo 'Hello world'
    docker run ubuntu:16.04 /bin/echo 'Hello world'

Create a web application container

  • Create a new container from ubuntu-upstart:

    docker run -d --name=webapp --hostname=example.org \
               -p 8000:80 ubuntu-upstart:14.04
  • Install apache2 and mysql inside the container:

    alias docker-webapp-exec='docker exec -it webapp env TERM=xterm'
    docker-webapp-exec bash
    apt-get update
    apt-get -y upgrade
    apt-get -y install apache2 mysql-server php5 php5-mysql
    a2enmod ssl
    a2ensite default-ssl
    service apache2 restart
  • Add this line on /etc/hosts. example.org
  • Try it in browser: http://example.org:8000/

Create more web application containers

  • Save the webapp container as a new image (make a snapshot):

    docker stop webapp
    docker commit webapp lamp:v1.0
    docker images
  • Create new containers from this image:

    mkdir /opt/test/
    cd /opt/test/
    mkdir -p app01
    docker run -d --name=webapp01 --hostname=example.org \
               -v $(pwd)/app01:/var/www/html \
               -p 8001:80 lamp:v1.0
    mkdir -p app02
    docker run -d --name=webapp02 --hostname=example.org \
               -v $(pwd)/app02:/var/www/html \
               -p 8002:80 lamp:v1.0
  • Modify applications:

    vim app01/index.php
    vim app02/index.php
  • Test them in browser:

Building images

  • Create /opt/test/lamp/Dockerfile with a content like this:

    FROM ubuntu-upstart:14.04
    RUN apt-get update; apt-get -y upgrade
    RUN apt-get -y purge openssh-server openssh-client ; apt-get -y autoremove
    RUN apt-get update ; DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install \
        vim apache2 mysql-server php5 php5-mysql
    RUN a2enmod ssl && \
        a2ensite default-ssl
  • Build the image:

    cd /opt/test/
    docker build --tag=lamp:v1.1 lamp/
    docker images
  • Rebuild and notice that the cache will be used.

Upload image to Docker Hub

Using container wsproxy

  • Get the code from GitHub:

    cd /opt/test/
    git clone https://github.com/docker-build/wsproxy
  • Create a workdir:

    mkdir wsproxy1
    cd wsproxy1
    ln -s ../wsproxy .
  • Build the image and create a container:

    cp wsproxy/utils/config.sh .
    vim config.sh
  • Create containers of webapps:

    docker stop webapp01 webapp02
    docker rm webapp01 webapp02
    docker run -d --name=webapp01 --hostname=app01.example.org \
               -v $(pwd)/../app01:/var/www/html lamp:v1.1
    docker run -d --name=webapp02 --hostname=app02.example.org \
               -v $(pwd)/../app02:/var/www/html lamp:v1.1

    Note that no HTTP ports are exposed to the host (for example using options -p 80:80 -p 443:443).

  • Add domains app01.example.org and app02.example.org:

    wsproxy/domains-add.sh webapp01 app01.example.org
    wsproxy/domains-add.sh webapp02 app02.example.org
    cat containers.txt
    cat sites-enabled/app01.example.org.conf
    cat sites-enabled/app02.example.org.conf
  • Add these lines on /etc/hosts: app01.example.org app02.example.org
  • Try in browser:
  • Try to get a free SSL cert from letsencrypt.org:

    wsproxy/get-ssl-cert.sh info@app01.example.org app01.example.org --test

    It will not work because app01.example.org is not a real domain owned by you and info@app01.example.org is not a real address.

Install SchoolTool

  • Get scripts from GitHub:

    cd /opt/test/
    git clone https://github.com/docker-build/SchoolTool
    cd SchoolTool/
  • Edit settings.sh and comment out the ports:

    #PORTS="-p 7080:7080 -p 80:80 -p 443:443"
  • Build image, create the container, and start it:

    docker ps
  • Make some configurations and install apache2:

    ./exec.sh ./config.sh
    ./exec.sh ./install-apache2.sh
  • Add the domain to wsproxy:

    cd /opt/test/wsproxy1/
    wsproxy/domains-add.sh schooltool school1.example.org
  • Add to /etc/hosts the line school1.example.org and try http://school1.example.org/ in browser.
  • Try to get a free SSL cert from letsencrypt.org:

    wsproxy/get-ssl-cert.sh info@school1.example.org school1.example.org --test

    It will not work because school1.example.org is not a real domain owned by you and info@school1.example.org is not a real address.

Install Moodle

  • Get scripts from GitHub:

    cd /opt/test/
    git clone https://github.com/docker-build/moodle
  • Create a working directory for the container:

    mkdir moodle1
    cd moodle1/
    ln -s ../moodle .
    cp moodle/utils/settings.sh .
  • Edit settings.sh and comment out the ports:

  • Build image, create the container, and start it:

    docker ps
  • Configure the new container:

  • Add the domain to wsproxy:

    cd /opt/test/wsproxy1/
    wsproxy/domains-add.sh moodle1 moodle1.example.org
  • Add to /etc/hosts the line moodle1.example.org and try http://moodle1.example.org/ in browser.
  • Try to get a free SSL cert from letsencrypt.org:

    wsproxy/get-ssl-cert.sh info@moodle1.example.org moodle1.example.org --test

    It will not work because moodle1.example.org is not a real domain owned by you and info@moodle1.example.org is not a real address.

Install B-Translator Client

See: http://info.btr.fs.al/install.html

  • Get the image:

    docker search btranslator
    docker pull btranslator/btr_client:v3.0
    docker images
  • Create and start a container:

    docker create --name=bcl_fr --hostname=fr.example.org btranslator/btr_client:v3.0
    docker start bcl_fr
  • Add the domain to wsproxy:

    cd /opt/test/wsproxy1/
    wsproxy/domains-add.sh bcl_fr fr.example.org
  • Add to /etc/hosts the line fr.example.org and open in browser https://fr.example.org/ .

Installing a Drupal Application

  • See: https://github.com/dashohoxha/dbox
  • Get the code of DBox from github:

    cd /opt/test/
    git clone --branch ubuntu-14.04 https://github.com/dashohoxha/dbox.git
  • Rename the project:

    dbox/rename-project.sh  # see usage
    dbox/rename-project.sh labdoo:webapp03 lbd:w03
    mv dbox webapp03
  • Initialize a git repository:

    cd webapp03/
    git init .
    git add -A
    git commit -a -m 'My new project.'
    cd ..
  • Build a docker image and create a container:

    mkdir webapp03-workdir
    cd webapp03-workdir/
    ln -s ../webapp03/docker .
    cp docker/settings.sh .
    vim settings.sh
    docker/build.sh settings.sh
    vim config     # comment out ports
    docker ps
  • Add the domain to wsproxy:

    cd /opt/test/wsproxy1/
    wsproxy/domains-add.sh webapp03-master example.org
  • Add to /etc/hosts the line example.org and open in browser https://example.org/ .

Author: Dashamir Hoxha

Created: 2016-10-20 Thu 01:19